
Shipmatic Singapore Pte Ltd, a company registered in Singapore was established in 1992. We specialised in the supply, service and repair of marine communication equipment, radar and navigation aid equipment as well as provision of compass adjustment and calibration services.

We have a pool of trained nav/com service engineers who are able to service and repair a diverse brands of nav/com equipment, perform annual performance test for selected VDRs, programming of selected brands of EPIRB and conduct Safety Radio survey.

In order to give our clients a comprehensive range of services, we are also certified company to Conduct GMDSS Initial/Periodical/Renewal Safety Radio Survey; AIS, SSAS & 406MHz (Satellite) EPIRB annual testing on behalf of the following classification societies:American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Bureau Veritas (BV), Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Germanischer Lloyd (GL), Korean Register of Shipping (KR), Lloyd's Register Asia (LR) and Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK).


Our Expertise

  • Radio and VDR Survey
  • Satellite Antenna System
  • Marine Navigation System
  • Radio Communication System